

This site is a way to record what is going on in my seed growing successes (and failures). I tried to gather information from other sources with the hope it may encourage new gardeners. Top photo courtesy of

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    Assorted tips to help grow your garden for success

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    Currect resource of online blogs and forums.

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    Assorted Sites

    A variety of additional gardening websites.

About The Site

I started a small makeshift garden last year and most of the few varieties of crops survived the hot dry summer.

Learning a few more tips to increase the size and yield and this year I will attempt to grow more different additions plus the same as last season but in another section of the plot.

I have decided to post the links and information I have been gathering along the way in some small way to have others attempt growing food for fun or necessity.

The main goal is to grow only vegetables at first and possibly in future endeavors may add flowers to the mix.

Come along for the journey and if any useful links assist in the adventure then it is all well worth it.

Enjoy and a quote comes to mind by Alfred Austin:

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.